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Old 08-30-2012, 07:56 PM
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Default Such a thing as too much light?

I'm going to upgrade the lights on my Nano Cube 12. I would like the system to be able to support SPS, and maybe even a clam.

I had asked Martin if it would be possible to get his BC14 kit ( with two drivers. The answer was no: there aren't enough LEDs to support two drivers.

Okay. I want two drivers. I really want two drivers (one for whites, and one for blues). I also really want to get my hands into one of Martin's modular kits, as I've got a bigger 36" lighting build coming. He did make a suggestion for another lighting solution, but I want HIS lights.

So, could I use his BC29 kit?

I've measured, and the heatsink will fit (I'll just have to tuck the drivers underneath in the stand, which I'm fine with) if I pretty much gut the hood (perfectly happy to do that). It will also give me better lighting coverage towards the back of the tank.

So, 14 LEDs versus 22 LEDs. The drivers are dimmable. Would the BC29 kit nuke my tank if it was cranked down? Any possibility that I would be able to crank it all the way up? The lights will be controlled by an Apex.

I'd ask Martin, but he's on vacation and should be relaxing and not dealing with business. I'd like to have my order all put together for him by the time he gets back.
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