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Old 08-07-2012, 08:32 PM
badAZZlars badAZZlars is offline
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Default Lighting a 30" deep sps tank

Hi i'm hoping to get some input on lighting for my new tank. On my current 120 I have the new sunbrite f-series fixture and it has been great with the 20"'s of depth that my tank has but I know it won't be enough for 30" if I intend to keep clams and sps lower in the tank.

What would be some possible other LED options that would provide the punch to have good par at the bottom of a deep tank?

I've heard that the Orphek units are designed with deeper tanks in mind but the cost of them is pretty high considering I think I would need 5 units at $800 per.

Do the sol's have enough output for a deep tank? I'm thinking I would need 6-8 of these units as my tank is 72 longX28 Wide.

Based on the overall cost of LED im seriously considering going back to MH. I was thinking that 3 400W 20K radiums in good reflectors would work well. I could get a good MH setup for about $1500 where the LED's im assuming would be a minimum of $3000. It would take at least 3 years to realize the benefit from energy savings and bulb replacements.

Not sure what to do. I like how my current led's run cool and my evaporation is about half compared to my old halides but I also miss the overall look that MH lights give to a tank.
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