Honestly, this piece did not come in this color it all. When it arrived in it was a green-brown color. I have a Fauna Dosing pump setup to dose the balling method and the FM trace elements so my parameters are pretty stable. I left for interzoo and we didnt ship this piece as it was not "nice enough" for us to cell and I came back from Interzoo and started drooling We received had about 10 pieces that were the same sp. but only 2 colored up crazy like this. We shipped one out and we are keeping the other so that we can try an ID these pieces properly when they come in and then we will keep them and color them up to Awsome like this! So far, none of the other pieces that are the same sp have colored up like this though.... Once we get more that are the same we will start the process of tracing them back to the mother colony in indo and we will increase the number of these that we get!