Ok you got me.... you can order a loose mushroom coral, which is classified as an anemone, but you cant get them if they are attached to rock as they usually are, there is no difference between captive raised and wild caught corals that I know of as of yet. Any coral that has a skeletal structure or a base of rock (which helps to build the reefs up)is cites protected(basically all corals) Also as tony mentioned, you will also need a $55.00 US Funds, US Fish and Wildlife Certificate with ANY order of livestock. If you think you can do otherwise, try it and pat yourself on the back for the nice donation to your local public aquarium(thats who customs usually donates said livestock too) Try and buy Zoanthidea that are not attached to live rock... and try to buy any Nephtheidae that are not attached to live rock as well... and anemones are not corals they are not cites protected...