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Old 02-06-2012, 03:11 AM
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Default Feb 2012 POTM - Chitons

FEB 2012

This months subject:Chitons

Members please post info about their picture. This could include a picture title and camera specs.

Entries will be accepted until Feb 29th 2012.

(Nobody ever uploads to the canreef photo folders so fill yer boots on photobucket ). If you have troubles posting please pm me and we'll sort it out.

For the winner you will have a snazzy POTM badge placed beside your user name WOOT WOOT!!

Voting will take place after the submission cut off date.

Contest Rules are as follows:

1) You must follow the guidelines given for each contest.

2) ALL members including vendors can enter.

3) Photos should be submitted no larger than 1024 x 768 and a max ppi of 300.

4) The photo must be taken by you, and as long as it fits the subject you're in!

5) Each member can post as many pictures as they want, but only ONE can be entered. Please specify which one when posting multiple pictures or it will be chosen for you.

6) Have Fun!

ok kgrizzle, get your chiton in there
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