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Old 08-26-2011, 08:12 AM
vraev vraev is offline
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Default 48" 716W Metal Halide System Advance Plus

Hi guys,

I am new here and was hoping on asking some advice about this fixture. It is the cheapest one and technically offers the best bang for the buck.

A little bit of intro, I am not into aquariums, but I do have terraria. I grow carnivorous plants and focus on pitcher plants. I have two tanks beside one another (2' x 2' x 3' tall) so two 90G tanks. I am currently using a 4 x 54watt 4' T5 fixture and added a 2 x T8 4' fixture. However, that is not enough to give enough colour to my plants.

I have been looking to upgrade my lights and came across this

I searched high and wide and I do see that 4y ago, some of their fixtures have caught fire, but can't find any such complaints in the recent years. They do seem to have improved:

Fixture Configuration:

2x External Quick Connect 250W Electronic HQI Metal Halide Ballast
2x Internal Twin Output T5 Electronic Ballast
4x Power Switch on Fixture (2 for T5, 1 for LED, and 1 for Cooling Fan)
1x Power Switch on each HQI Ballast
3x Power Cord (2 for HQI and 1 for T5)
Non-Corrosive Powder Coated Aluminum Housing
2x Built In Heavy Duty Cooling Fan
Glass Cover for HQI
Acrylic Lens for T5
Highly Polished Reflector
Set of Mounting Leg

The separate ballasts for each bulb should minimize fire risk. Also I like the 3" clearance with the legs...should give some room for hot air to escape.

My question still is about risk of fire. I mean I live in an apartment building and I am a student. I don't have insurance and the lights will be running for at least 12-14h a day. I am already planning on adding a layer of glass pane underneath the fixture separating that from the tank and maybe even removing the blinds under the window and placing ballasts up there. But my window faces east, so every morning there is direct sunlight enough to raise temps to 90F in tank (which is why I keep blinds down).

Do you guys think its a safe fixture to work with? Have any of you had issues with it? BTW, I do also plan on buying or replacing those bulbs with the MH 6500K bulbs as well.

ANy advice or suggestions would be welcome. My budget and preference is lowest price for most light as possible. I can't afford the fancy 600$ + fixtures. This is pushing it as well. I will try to recover the cost my selling my T5 for a 100$.



Last edited by vraev; 08-26-2011 at 08:16 AM.
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