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Old 04-15-2011, 06:00 PM
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Default 60G CUBE - FLOW - 2x MP-10 or 1x MP-40

Ok, first of all, I know this question was ask a few time but I have read a lot of discussion on this and I'm still unable to make my mind. So considering the following factor, what would you recommend.

My tank is 24'' cube (mostly SPS) and it is setup in a corner, so there is two panels against a wall. The overflow box is centred and on the back panel.

The option I considered was having 2 MP-10 on each side of the overflow (back panel) or 1 MP-40 on the side panel. I'm still unable to decide between those option because I'm scared 2 MP-10 will be more noisy than a sole MP-40. Again, on the other end, I'm not sure if 1 MP-40 will not leave dead spot and if I will miss much on not being able to use the Ecosmart mode as with 2 MP-10.

Any input would be great.
WIP: 60 G Cube (purchasing stage)
3X Par 38 (7 led) - Vortech 2X MP10W or 1 MP40 -SRO XP1000
20G sump
125G aquaterrarium for my red ear turtle
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