03-15-2011, 12:35 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Beaumont Alberta
Posts: 549
@ Lifestyles ^ Well said and welcome aboard
Originally Posted by Lifestyles
as a new member, I found this whole process very interesting. I would have to agree with the fella that commented about how the cash prize changed the way the voting took place. To see the two leaders and their respective votes change the way they did just tells me that something smelly took place. It all seemed honest enough, but to see 'Bubbles' who had been neck and neck with 'Skimmerking' suddenly shoot up to over 100 votes, almost doubling in two days leaves me feeling like the winner did not win for the quality or look of his aqua scape, but took the win because he was able to convince a lot of people to sign up and vote for him. Wasn't this about being rewarded for putting a lot of quality work into your tank and giving others something to aspire to? With that being said, it wasn't even a popularity contest... it was rigged voting.
I was under the belief that the win was for the person who had the nicest aqua scape. When greed took over, it took the challenge out, and I personally dont think the best tank had the most votes.
My personal favorite really has to be Skimmerking. I liked how clear, bright and colorful it was. And the size of his tank allowed him to create a more appealing looking aqua-scape, with lots of room for various territories to be created.. Bubbles, yours was just dark and dull although, yes... you had lots of rock in a small space, but it was too cramped.
I believe the purpose of the forums is to create a conversation about the aquariums and the process we get involved in to bring our vision to reality. When we have a contest to create that conversation, and it becomes about who can get the most votes, then the authenticity is lost.
I think the contest should be nullified... no winner. Redo the contest and whomever votes should back up his vote with reasons why he believes one is better than the other. This then allows the contest to remain authentic. It creates a conversation. We then get to comment on who is doing what, why and how. This is why this forum is here.
The sad thing is that the forum now has at least 40 members who joined for no reason than to vote. Bubbles, you admitted yourself that you got people to join the forum just so they can vote for you. That is only helping yourself, and doing absolutely nothing for your forum. You have obviously not participated in this contest with the best of intentions but to win a measly $150. If you need it that bad, well you should go elsewhere to get it.... too bad you had to ruin a contest to get a few bucks.
I guess reputations go a long way too... You like me are a new member. a member of this forum for less than two weeks and you have 2 posts! and you have over a hundred votes... I call foul!
All of the other contestants have been members for at least a year with many posts... I mean holy ****... Skimmerking has been on here since 2002! with over 6100 posts. Thats probably why his tank looks better. He is here for the forum... not himself.
Congratulations Skimmerking... I believe you are the true winner... Based on your time in the forum and the number of posts you contribute
Bubbles... I hope you enjoy your $150. cuz I think thats all you will get out of this forum... Your heart is just not in it
'nuff said...
Peace all...
from a new member who appreciates what a forum has to offer...
Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...