Need Ideas for LED supplemental lighting
I have a 34 gal Solana with "disco ball" 150watt HQI light. I am wanting to add LED's for supplemental lights. I want to be able to have more of a dusk to dawn effect and also be able to run the HQI light for less time. Say maybe 6 to 7 hrs instead of 10 to 12 hr a day. Has anyone done this before? What lights should I get and how do I mount them so it still looks nice and not ghetto. I do have a Current 2 bulb 18inch t5 fixture I could gut and maybe retro fit with led's. I am using it now for supplemental lighting with only one blue bulb left in it that is well over a year old. Can't find the replacement bulbs for it here so I could use it if needed. Any one have any ideas or suggestions? I also have a Reef Keeper Lite controller that I think has dimmimg capability(not sure on that) so maybe a LED that is dimmable. I have RBTA, GBTA, two frogspawn and one plate coral in tank for corals. This is pretty much all for corals that will be going in this tank. Any and all ideas are welcomed.