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Old 05-31-2009, 04:35 PM
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Default Ich Treatment

So some of my fish have come down with Ich. I dont have a spare tank to treat them but I have a few buckets. The effected fish are my new Lyretail Anthias (I assume he brought it in) and my 3 clownfish. So I was planning on treating with Cuppremin (sp?) but was wondering could I do it in these buckets? They are 5 gallons each. The other thought was maybe a rubbermaid container. The Anthias is 3-4 inches, the big clown is 2 inches, medium clown is 1.5inches and the little guy is 1 inch.

My plan was to run my current Internal Filter in the bucket or tote for biological and treat in there. Then just replace the internal filter with a new one and keep the current one for future treatments. The thought is to buy the same size unit so I can take the cartridge from the tank filter and put it into the sick tank filter.

Anyway what is everyones thought on the 5gal pail or should I pick up a 10 gal rubbermaid?

PS. its still fairly early but the Medium Black Clown (Tank bred) is covered, the Athias has it all over but nowhere as near as dense as the clown and the other 2 clowns seem to just be starting it. The Bangaii Cardinal and Firefish dont seem to be effected.

Oh last thing. I was planning on picking up a small CBB on monday but am not now. After there is no more sign of the Ich how long do you recommend I wait before adding the CBB?
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