Originally Posted by High tide
I hear ya, it's not always an ideal situation when doing a big job like that. Sounds like your salt dissolves quickly. All we can do is try and learn something from it to save our asses next time. Hopefully the death will stop soon and you can enjoy your new tank! 
Yeah originally I wanted to do exactly what you had described and go really slow but it just wasn't going to work well. For one, I don't have enough equipment for both tanks (even just to keep good circulation) and two I didn't have nearly enough water or space. The new tank is quite wide and so even when I had just filled it with established tank water, it was under half full. Plus most of my corals are already encrusted to rocks. You can't even see the putty or superglue anymore to remove them. So most corals had to go with the rocks.
Perhaps it was the salt though or big water change...
Its either that or the sand I think. Will never know I guess.