Originally Posted by Phanman
Well I would assume its getting the same feed since all the TVs on display are showing the same picture. Or at least the same row of TV's should be getting the same feed.
You should of heard the sales guy pitch for it and how he excused why the picture quality was so grainy? He asked me to stand back 10 feet and then said it looks much better from this point. Of course you cant see the grains from that distance but it shouldnt be like that anyways. I can stand 2 feet from from the samsung 7 series and see no pixelation on it.
Anyways Im sure this TV is pretty good, but after looking at the samsung series there is no compairson in my mind.
You will see that some tvs in the same row are spliced 10 - 15 times and some only 1 or 2.
Never assume, thats what they want you to do.