Originally Posted by Aqua-Digital
Do you have series 1 or series 2 power bars?
All 15 amp sockets or 8 and 15 amp?
I am not sure, I got a '6 way digital power bar' July of 07. How do I tell if it is a series 1 or 2?
Originally Posted by JoelV
I have heard of this problem before with Non Profilux equipment. When it comes to a high amp draw like a metal halide light, The plug heats up and cools down (Expands and contracts) more so if the plug is not seated well. Over time the metals warp and no longer connect well.
I would first try and replace your male end with that of a thicker one (Yellow replacement cord end )
the prongs are a bit thicker and may fix the problem of a a worn outlet.
A 'worn' outlet seems plausible - The plug on my MH is already a big thick one and I would also like to use that outlet for other equipment. Is there a way that I could replace / fix that outlet besides using bigger plugs?
Originally Posted by Matthias Gross
maybe only a broken fuse
I don't think that it is a broken fuse because If I wiggle whatever is plugged into the outlet I can get it to work sometimes. Regardless, how do I check if the fuse needs replacing?