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Old 09-02-2007, 03:08 AM
findingnemo1's Avatar
findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Calgary Area
Posts: 273
findingnemo1 is on a distinguished road
Angry OMG this stuff is driving me crazy

Okay we'll after my tank of death i am still dealing with this algae

This all started before my problems with the fish so they are not related. I had originally thought it was dinos but i am not so sure now.
It is a brown colout and almost looks like hair algae but not green. When you look at it on the glass you can actually see it move. And when you wipe it away it just turns into a dust like substance. It is on the glass and on the rocks. My once pretty purple rocks are now brown

So here are my test results from 10 min ago.

Temp 80
Trate,trite and ammonia:0
Mag 1300

On a brand new ro/di that's tds reading is 4

Here is what we have down so far:
1: Turned out the lights and blacked out the tank for 2 days( no difference as algae is still there in the dark)
2: Water changes
3: Uped my dkh to 14
Added some more cheato to the tank
Cleaned the glass to get rid of the algae and within about 12 hours it is starting to come back.

My concern is my 2 milliporas have this algae on there tips where they were growing.
These are the only 2 in the tank with this issue.

Also i have noticed my corraline has stopped growing and you think it would be a plague proportions with the mag sitting where it is with conjunction to the alk and calcium.

Any ideas?????

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