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Old 08-29-2007, 04:59 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Default Contest Time!

Energy Elements are the result from long, intensive researches about the needs of invertebrates in natural environment. The informations gained, resulting from close cooperation with well-known breeders and marine aquarium specialists, has been integrated into an easy-handling, well-balanced care complex.

* enhance the intensity of colors

* support a better growth

* enhance vitality

* improve the appearance of the polyps

* do not boost algae growth

Who's interested in trying out a free set of AquaConnect Energy Elements? You? Okay, here's how you do it:

For the next three weeks, I will be taking submissions from Calgary and surrounding area customers. Entries will be submitted in the following format:

Full Tank Shot:


Gross water volume of your complete system (incl. sump etc.)?

What are your actual PO4 and NO3 levels?

What are your actual Ca, Alk and Mg levels?

What filtration method do you use (refugium, DSB, Miracle Mud, Zeovit, etc.)?

Type of light (Watt, color temp, how old, etc.)?

What corals do you keep?

Tissue color (light or dark)?

How long has the tank been running?

Any supplemental dosing (type, amount, why, etc.)?

Any present problems?

Other water parameters and water stability (salinity, temp, etc.)?

I will be looking for hobbyist with mature systems who have never tried a high end trace element product. They must have sufficient time and enthusiasm to document the changes (if any) to their tank inhabitants on a weekly basis.

All submissions should be made in this thread and I may take popular opinion into account. So what does that mean? Well, for all of you out of Calgary who want to take part, you're welcome to nominate who's tank you'd like to see benefit from this product

Finally, the deadline for all submissions is September 19/07. The winner will be announced the following day.


- Jason, hope you don't mind me direct linking the image from your site.

- Gold Aquariums will not be held liable for any misuse of this product.

- This contest is not open to anyone who I'd have to ship the product to. Sorry

- Yes, I partially jacked the form from zeovit However, I did make a few changes, so BOOYAH.

- Have fun with this contest and thread guys and gals!
This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 08-29-2007 at 07:06 AM.

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