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Old 04-20-2006, 02:28 AM
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Skimmerking Skimmerking is offline
acanthastrea freak
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Location: Virden, Manitoba
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Default Well i did it

I will soon be a proud owner of a CS 250 EuroReef. I can't wait to get it a long wait indeed and patience waiting to sell my other stuff. The day has arrived and then off to paypal to get the skimmer. Sorry had to vent, If i had the money that i dropped into skimmer ove the past years man i could have owned a bubble king easy. Any ways I debating on a couple skimmers Deltec AP8 850 external
EuroReef CS 180
Euroreef CS 250
H&S skimmer

but after a long study on the skimmers i went with a
Deltec VS Euro Reef THe euro reef hands down with the amount of air that it sucks in to with the pump a single sedra 500 is sucking in 950-1000 liters of air per min. nad with dual pumps it around 1850 somthing like that .. So that euro Reef would be the one tha i take home.

THe Deltec Ap850 i could of got a hold of for 750 for a year old, but with that its rated for 333 gal normal stocking and 222 gal heavy stocking.
Now if you look at the Euro reef 250 its rated for 250 gal and that is it but the pump is the back bone and that is what i wanted a good pump and a name that i new along with I bugged the living hell out of the guy to sell it to me. So I couldn't go back on my word. Its not right.
Well time to go I think i chewed out alot tonight.........
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
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