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Old 02-14-2020, 12:26 AM
GreenSpottedPuffer's Avatar
GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 2,337
GreenSpottedPuffer is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Warning to all those who don't QT

It's been a devastating 24 hours watching fish in my QT die of velvet because Canada has banned most of the helpful medications. It seems that those that are not banned are very hard to get and the shipping would take longer than I think my fish can survive.

I am not going to name stores but it came from what I would call a very reputable local shop. I am 99% sure it came from this shop.

I had my Porcupine Puffer in QT for almost 2 months and he came from another person's aquarium, not a store. He was not showing any signs of any parasites but unfortunately my display tank was not ready. Then I made a huge mistake...I added a tang and chromis to my QT thinking that worst case, I would treat them with hyposalinity if they show signs of ich. The fish looked really great in the store. A week later and the tang is dead, the chromis are dead and my puffer is suffering. I am surprised he is still alive but he is a pretty big guy.

I have one last hope to save the puffer but it's a bit of a shot in the dark. I guess I'm just venting and reminding people to QT. I can only imagine if I had added these perfectly healthy looking fish to an established display tank. It's so easy to QT...
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