I love this anemone, but, there is a reason there is only one percula fish in this whole 90g. It doesn't eat fish; never has in fact, however, it sure is deadly to them.
I've had this anemone now for more than 3.5 years and I am starting to wonder how many mysterious fish losses in the past I've misattributed to other causes.
The latest fish to be introduced to this tank lasted less than 24 hours. He is not dead yet and I am now setting up an emergency hospital tank but it may be too late.
I guess my lesson is learnt: I cannot keep any fish in this tank other than anemonefish. The anemone is a tremendous drain on resources and it is frustrating to have a tank devoid of fish life. The percula obviously counts as a "fish life" but he/she never leaves the anemone. Even when the anemone was moved from one tank to the other, she wouldn't leave the anemone, and hitched a ride inside the anemone, outside of the water.