Getting a QT up and running in a pinch?
In anticipation of my new tank, I am going to set up a quarantine tank.
Currently I have a 30g holding a bunch of live rock with a couple of damsels and a clown in there. Can I remove the fish and rocks (leave a piece or two maybe?) and use it as is? Or should I drain the tank and use newly mixed water? A combination of both?
For filtration, something like a AquaClear with filter floss?
I have a MaxiJet 1200 for circulation. Will that suffice along with the HOB filter?
I have a LED strip light so I think that will be fine.
What else do I need to know for setting it up? How often for water change and what percentage? Use Prime?
I want to keep the fish in there just for observation for a month, unless symptoms arise then I'll medicate. Yay or nay?