Check out this article on Reef Builders and the video BRS made. It's kinda funny their findings pretty much negate the use of their catalytic carbon blocks. I'm glad they found something more useful, but it's a shame BRS developed it themselves so that's the only place it's available.
Originally Posted by Jake Adams
Aquarists with “mystery” problems in their tanks who also have tanks that require lots of water to make up for evaporation will definitely want to take note of BRS’s findings to determine whether the dreaded chloramine could be a cause of their issues. Before you go all kamikaze on removing chloramine from your tap water, perhaps the first course of action would be to test your supply water and purified water for chloramines to determine if you have to deal with it in the first place, with LaMotte’s insta-test series being so easy and simple to use that you have no excuse not to.
For those of us using RO/DI filters, the chloramines are dealt with one way or another (partly by carbon blocks, partly by DI resin), but for those using RO only or sediment and carbon only, chloramines could definitely be a concern and might be the insight for tank issues.