Originally Posted by Myka
Fwiw, API are perfectly fine test kits. I have found them to give very similar readings to Salifert and Elos.
The description of the dying fish makes me think that the fish either had Brooklynella or Marine Velvet. It would be odd though if the new fish did not pass this on to any of the existing fish. Wild Clownfish are very susceptible to both of these diseases as are Pigmy Angelfish to a bit lesser degree.
I suggest setting up a quarantine tank for new fish so that there is much less risk of a new fish introducing a pathogen. Both Brooklynella and Marine Velvet tend to be VERY contagious.
I also suggest buying captive bred fish whenever possible. In my opinion, there is absolutely no reason for a hobbyist to be buying wild caught Clownfish when they are mass produced as captive bred. You are likely to have much better luck with a captive bred fish.
Yes, the clowns we have that are captive bred have been excellent. We buy tank bred whenever possible, but it isn't always. We will be holding out for a captive bred specimen on this one though.
As for the Brook, there have been no signs of discolouration, mucous or sloughing. Is it possible for Brook to kill something without any other symptoms than the respiratory distress?
Originally Posted by reefwars
My suggestion would be to check the pH of the bags that the fish are in a sudden drop in pH will result in heavy breathing and often fatality Simply dripping is often not good enough
Interesting, and it would seem to fit with the respiratory distress. I will have to test the next bag, or snag an eyedropper full of the LFS water next time I'm there.
I appreciate the responses from both of you, thank-you very much.