$89 for a 3/4" fish I will probably never see again.. What was I thinking?
I was thinking my pico tank needed a center piece fish. It's a 2 gallon tank that is approaching 4 years of age. It's difficult to jam more corals in. Inverts like sexy shrimp end up eating the corals. I've actually only seen this fish one other time in person so when I heard one was available I went to go look. He was being kept in a 5 gallon tank with some live rock. They said since he was so small they were hoping he'd eat copepods on the rock. This is probably the only time a fish is coming home from the lfs and ending up in a smaller tank. They had to remove all the rock to find the goby in the 5 gallon to show me. Even then they couldn't find him as he found a hole in the rock.
He didn't eat that pod, was too afraid of it lol.
This is where he lives :