what do you think
have a 78 g with a bunch of live rock and deep argonite sand bed i have been raising algaes in. Was thinking of puttting in a trigger, maybe a lionfish, and an eel. Need to do a bit more research first but may be able to take your trigger
180g 33g sump 78g refugium triple 250w m/h & 4 flourescents on timers 2 seaclone 150 skimmers 1 redsea classic 2 250 w heaters calcium reactor. 200lbs lr Argonite dsb Corals - cracker acroporas birdsnest frags 2 torchs large moon, open brain large colt, galaxy, 3 yellow toadstools pulsing xenia buttons mushrooms polyps 2 lta\'s 2 orange sponges beautiful blue pipe sponge 4 feather dusters crabs & snails
3 cleaner 1 coral banded shrimp shrimp 2 massive scutus 8 green chromis 2 percula 1 skunk clown spotted mandarin goby lawnmower blennie golden face sandsifter gobie watchman gobie yellow tang reefhawk blue devil coral beauty royal gramma blue striped brittle star.