Originally Posted by reefwars
Really? Lol im like the easiest person to get a hold of while dave is harder lol im at the shop 24/7 if your pm me i dont use my other canreef amd this ones full
Just email my work or call the shop im there most days 
I only ever email you at that address. I don't have the shop number, nor am I able to call during normal hours. Anyways, you have an email I wrote you late last night. Didn't expect it to get read until Monday though. Just a heads up.
On a side note.. I need some help getting some black acrylic.. the stuff used for overflows and such. I don't have any dimensions yet.. but I want to figure out a way to set up my tanks to split sections up, with removable partitions. (Tank can't be emptied)
I'll check this in the morning.. but I'll be up in Calgary for Sunday/Monday. Hope I hear from you.
PS: PM me the ways I can get a hold you easier.