Tank size for Tangs? An evaluation...
My response to all of this.
Read my signature.. Easy as that.
If more people would heed this. There wouldn't be a need for "Tang Police".
Use your head.. If you wouldn't live in those conditions. Why subject an animal to it. It has as much right to a healthy life as you do. Keep yourself penned up in a tiny apartment 24/7 for a few weeks. See if bothers you to be so enclosed. Especially if you were an active person.
Too many people are shooting for the bare minimum. Far to many. As well, many are now seeking instant gratification by filling their tanks as fast as possible. At the possible downfall of the creatures within. Put the creatures you hope to own ahead of your desires for "eye candy".
[ 23 September 2002, 23:49: Message edited by: DJ88 ]