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Old 06-13-2013, 03:58 PM
redearslider redearslider is offline
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 44
redearslider is on a distinguished road
Default FS: Complete 41G Osaka Setup With Livestock Corals Etc.




Last chance ALL for $1500!

I would love for it to go this weekend, so I am reducing the total price one more time! If not I have a buyer for the inverts, and the rest will be parted out.


I dont have the time to take care of this tank anymore, so sadly I am selling my saltwater/ marine setup that I have worked hard, and invested much time and money on over the last year and a half. Here is a summary of what is included. .

Would love to sell as a package and am willing to go as low as $1500!

But if not, it is time to start parting out!

$60- Pair of Oc. Clowns with BTA
$50-Yellow Tang
$20- Bicolor Angel
$25 -Large Bangaii Cardinal
$10-2 blue green chromis

$70- Large Pink Zoa Colony
$60- Large Green Zoa Colony
$30 -Golf ball sized rock with 3-4 red zoa polyps
$15- FrogSpawn
$35 -Tennis ball sized Rock with 4-5 mushrooms
$15- 2 headed candy cane coral

$40 -30-50 hermits(1 halloween hermit and a few bigger blue legged)
$20- 7-10 Snails
$15- Coral Banded Shrimp
$10- Brittle Starfish
$15- Decorator Crab
$60- Blue Clam (Forget name about 3")

$80- Refractometer, various liquid test kits, various chemicals

$170- for all. 35ish lbs of live rock, TONS or purple coraline algae
$30 -30ish lbs live sand

$480 -R420r 10,000k Light fixture (automatic settings to mimic sunrise/ sunset) AMAZING LIGHT! only 6 months old-
$60 -HOB Skimmer
$20 - Heater
$50- 2 Pumps

$40 Various food and chemicals & 1/2 bucket of salt

$350 -All wrapped up in a 40G Fluval Osaka Aquarium/stand set (bent glass front) *DISCONTINUED!* The tank itself I purchased new for $750


OR $1500 for EVERYTHING!

Also found another bucket of salt (1/3 full) plus some extra pumps and heaters I will throw in with the package.

If you know much about saltwater you will know this is a GREAT deal and that much more money went into the setup of this aquarium.

Email, Text or Call: Tasha @ 587-985-7866
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