Making Ecotech Radions wireless USB?
Was wondering, has anyone tried/had any success in making their ecotech radion fixtures wireless (wireless USB)? I feel that the radions' requirement to be hooked up to a computer running the connection manager is a disappointing (but not awfully upsetting) limitation when it comes to controlling them remotely.
Scouring some other forums online, like Reef Central, and Marine-depot's forum, it sounds like some folk have had success with these two products:
Any thoughts?
100 Gallon Reef, 2 x 250 Watt HQI Giesseman 13000K, Reeflo Dart(3600 gph), E.T.S.S Reef Devil Deluxe, Ocean Clear 325 filter, Aqua UV 25 watt, Korallin Calcium Reactor C-1502