****ED with my AI sol Blues... 2 stopped working AGAIN!
Is anyone else having issues with their AI's?
I have 4x AI sol blues, and about 5 months ago the controller **** the bed and I bought a new one. 3 and a bit weeks ago one of them had the motherboard fail and it took abouta week and a half to get a replacement, (thanks to martin mcnally at modular led for saving the day there!) It worked again until yesterday. I went to grab the controller, (new digital AI controller,) and the loose connection pulled out of the controller, I then plugged it back in and 2 of the 4 lights did not turn on... seems the motherboard is gone again in the same light, and the second light will only contanstly turn on and off the white light only in a slow blinking pattern. Last time I lost enough HIGH END sps to make it hurt, I can only imagine whats going to die off this time.... HIGHLY debating on selling them off once I get the warranty replacements and switching to radions... Just sucks since they worked so well for soooo long.... AI better do something to make up for the loss of my SPS or I will never buy another AI product again!