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Old 02-02-2013, 03:55 AM
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Madmak Madmak is offline
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Chestermere, AB
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Just FYI, the Mitras are not meant for mounting inside a canopy as per the manual, the main venting is on the top. You may have to be creative with a partial canopy or open top.

As far as the coverage goes, 36"x36" is likely possible but may require the fixture to be hung a bit higher than normal above the water. GHL suggests 10 cm. I have one hanging over half of a 72"L x 24"W x 26"T tank (waiting on the second one) and have experimented with different heights. At or below 10 cm the cone shape starts to be apparent, 15-20 cm is great for my 24" width, and I would bet 20-25 cm would cover your 36" width. PAR may drop a bit at the sand bed but your tank is not that deep and you can always adjust the intensity. 100% will still be more than enough IMO.

I REALLY like the Mitras for spectrum control, spread, and power; the shimmer is excellent and no disco; very good build quality and a decent user GUI too.

I'm comparing the Mitras to MH, PC, T5, and all possible combinations of these in 2 separate fixtures that I have been using above the same tank. They seem to provide more of an "alive" look than anything else I have personally seen.

Profilux isn't needed but can be used. The USB connection and the free software is exactly the same as the Profilux interface, just without the other controls.

Last edited by Madmak; 02-02-2013 at 03:58 AM.
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