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Old 12-31-2012, 02:42 AM
hfp75 hfp75 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: calgary ab
Posts: 431
hfp75 is on a distinguished road
Default My Six Line Wrasse..... (Calgary)

Well, back in December I got a few fish... one was a Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse and the other a Sixline. I added them at the same time with the hopes they would get along. For a while all was well and I thought I was in luck but a few days ago, the sixline began pestering the fairy wrasse. I was gonna remove the sixline and all of a sudden he went missing, I looked all over.... he was definitely not in the tank or the overflow. I looked in the sump and couldn't see him....

I was baffled.

Then all of a sudden, I saw him in the sump, he was hanging out with the extra live rock rubble. He seems happy in there but I think he should have a new home.

I was amazed that the Fairy wrasse chased out the sixline!!!!

I paid $25 at Wais and am considering taking him back but before I do, does anyone have an interest in him?

He has a good disposition - excefpt tofward other wrasses (which I kinda expected). I have a heavily stocked tank and he only didnt like the other wrasse. If I didnt like or have the Lubbocks I'd keep this six line.

I'd like to trade him for a Blenny. I'll post in the Exchange as well.
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