I've been sick for the past few days but the plan today is to do a water change and clean my skimmer. I also go the 3 way splitter and dimmer for the extra strip of lights I want to add, now I'm just waiting for the lights to come in. My friend/co-worker (from AI, Sean) has a RBTA that he says he's had for awhile and it stays small and splits often. I'm going to hopefully buy one from him and hopefully it'll stay small in my tank. Was going to meet with him on Sat. but since I've been sick and was going to Cavalia (btw awesome show! didn't care I was sick, definitely wasn't going to miss it!) I didn't have a chance to meet with him. Also have to get the dwarf darwin clowns from Ken, but hoping to get the bta settled into the tank 1st.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie