Originally Posted by Myka
Yep, those are the ones. The breeder is calling them Galaxy and Meteor. Hobbyists and LFS are not calling them the proper name. That's why the article you referred to called them "Picasso-type". It is respectful to the breeder to call the fish by the correct name.  Do you have just the one? Have you considered pairing with another?
That is very cool! Thank-you for the info! Can you recommend where to look to do more reading up on the subject?

And yes, I just have the one. I never thought of breeding, I just upgraded my tank, only had a 55 before, so the thought never occurred to me. Are clowns difficult to breed? And do different types of clowns have different breeding behaviors? I would be interested in doing some research on the subject, my main concern would be how much tank space the rest of my fish would loose in the clowns defense of their breeding territory.. So you say you have some of the same type?