Hi all!
I have not been on this site for several years. I didn't get to actually take the plunge into SW but am determined now to get my feet wet. (at one point I had 7 FW running from 20-90 gal)
I am going to take a look at a "30 gal Biocube" at a garage sale tomorrow. They want 200 (open to offers) for the tank and stand.
I have been bouncing back and forth between choosing a size. We are potentially Moving in oct-nov. Im just not willing to wait any longer. Hubby and I have been Moving every year for the last 3 and havent done it. lol
So...I want to get something that isn't going to be a nightmare to move if we do decide we are going.

( I was thinking a 40 gal breeder or 75 gal with a large sump/fuge but the thought of moving that just makes me cringe)
I know the basics to look for and what to ask but if anyone has suggestions or opinions I would love to hear them.
I have done so much research I am now at the point where I am running in circles and beginning to second guess everything so now is the time to just leap.
Looking forward to Hearing from all of you and being a part of the forum again.