Originally Posted by BCOrchidGuy
Wow yeah that would mix the hell out of it. How do you keep it from putting the cloudy water into your tank though? I figure if a tank is going to have evap it should be mostly during the day right? So what about just having a power head come on for a few minutes at say 5am once a day. Wouldn't that mix it up enough?
Hey Doug, I assume you have your kalkreactor tied into your system via the float valve . . . so even if some of your newly mixed (cloudy) kalk goes into the sump, it should only be a little and shouldn't be problem.
My kalkreactor dispenses through a kent float valve into my sump. The mixing powerhead is on a timer and stirs for 3 minutes every 4 hrs. So I'm sure at some point there is some freshly stirred kalk going into the system, but it has never been a problem as only a little is dispensed at a time with a float valve.
I find that the Kalk settles out rapidly. The benefit of a tall reaction chamber is that the top third of the reactor tends to clear rather quickly and if the outflow to the sump is at the top ok your reactor, you've minimized the chance of putting the cloudy kalk in the sump.