Can you tell if your system is good or bad from looking at the skimmer
I got a new skimmer just about a week ago and it skims so well. When I look at the skimmer, I am wondering how can it skim so much goo in just 4 hours. I get 1/3 of dry skimmate in a cup everyday, I have to clean it EVERYDAY. I know people clean their skimmer cup 3 or 4 times a week. I feed my 11 small fishes a 1/3 cube of mysis, a 1/3 cube of brine shrimp and a pinch of dry food 2 times a day. Is it a sign of overfeeding, or is my tank having a heavy bioload system from fish and corals ? Or maybe from something else that I don't know.
Last edited by Casey8; 03-05-2012 at 05:15 PM.