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Old 09-22-2011, 03:38 AM
Kit with Cat Kit with Cat is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 44
Kit with Cat is on a distinguished road
Default no green algae growing?

Hi everyone, I have a super newbie question here:
In the previous months, despite having a HOB refugium full of chaeto, there would always be green algae growing on the HOB aquaclear filters and the HOB skimmer that I have. The algae would actually grow on the slope of the return of these units. When the algae does grow, I would scrape it off and put it into the tank and my hippo tang would snatch it up really quickly.
Now, I noticed that there's no green algae growing at all. I thought, great! Now I can totally expect to see my rocks turn purple from coralline algae! But that totally didn't happen. In fact, I think my live rocks look the same color as the day I got them.

Question is...why has green algae (my hippo tang's veggies) stopped growing all of a sudden and why does coralline algae not grow ON the live rocks? Coralline algae has no problems growing all over the glass and equipment but just won't grow on the live rocks.

Only thing that's ever died in my tank is a cowrie (it died in 2 days), and two barnacle blennies (I think my dottyback ate them).

Thanks in advance!!!

My params:
90G tank, setup for 6 months.
T5's 3 white 3 blue, 8 hours of light
Nitrates - 0
Nitrites - 0
NH4 - 0

2 x false perculas
1 x hippo tang
1 x bicolor dottyback
1 x diamond goby
1 x pom pom crab
1 x emerald crab
1 x yellow cucumber
1 x tuxedo urchin
CUC - 10 snails, 10 red legged hermits, 3 neiseria snails, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp
Corals - Pulsing Xenia, Blasto, Ricordea, Green Pallies, Assorted Buttons, Mushrooms, Kenyan Tree Coral, Leather, Green star polyps, frogspawn, hammer, torch coral, montipora, maxima clam
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