You haven't seen much of me on the forums this whole summer - it's cause I've been super busy with my backyard. My tank has suffered from negligence. I have been dealing with cyano for about 2 months. Everything is still alive though. I have probably removed (sold) about a dozen super large colonies. Last week I sold a colony that I had to break in half to fit into a 5 gal bucket. Anyway, here is what I have been up to:
This is the backyard we started with
This is what we want it to look like. We hired a landscape designer since we made many mistakes in our front yard with types of plants and ground covers (that eventually became weeds or too big etc). He came up with this concept which blew us away. We thought that we'd have a giant pond, but not THAT big. We loved the design, so we went with it.
And the top view (scale drawing)