Originally Posted by elias
My cinamon clown only attacks me.
Every time my hand is in the tank near his layer here come the little nipper,and very sudden nips don't even see it coming.
I have one, too, and he looks like a little bulldog. He has a big toadstool coral that he looks after, but he doesn't just chase other fish away, he bites them. My 7 inch Green Bird Wrasse, who likes to cruise around, loses a loses a scale or two regularly, when he doesn't get out of the way fast enough.
Fortunately, most of my other fish steer well clear of the Cinnamon Clown. He just has to look at them, and they take off. And of course he attacks me when I put my hand in the tank, as well as the mag glass cleaner. I can't believe he doesn't hurt himself the way he whacks that thing.
He is a nice looking fish, just wish he wasn't so vicious.