F/S MH T5 48" lights selling for lapdog2020 Edmonton
1 month old t5ho/double bulb hqi 250w mh degenbau modded to fit the galaxys for for better eficiency
new bulbs as well consisting of 2 14000k hqi phoenix and 2 48"t5ho kz new gen
c/w 2 galaxy select a watt ballasts ranging from 250w to 400w over drive
this set up is a must see i have seen it in action and am completely impressed and the cool part is you can take it right now for a mere $600 bucks and that basically pays for the ballasts and you get everything else thrown in also the ballasts come with a 5 year warranty also 25' light cables included , decided to go a different direction
pics will be up shortly pm me for his phone number
Back in the saddle again . running a borrowed 65G peninsula while i get my 48"x48" centre overflow cube built.
Last edited by hound96; 03-18-2011 at 12:56 AM.
Reason: edit for location reasons and pictures