Getting rid of extra stuff Edmonton
Selling an extra Aqua Remora hang on skimmer with maxi-jet 1200 $90, an Aquaclear 25 filter $20, a 10g rectangular tank $20, koralia nano powerhead $10, Kent kalk $10 large tub, New Life Optimum flakes $4 half tub, Tailored Aquatics Nitrate Destroyer NP $21 selling $10. Also, a 2bulb 4ft t5 light being used presently on my 55g $60.
120g mixed fish/coral tank: regal tang, yellow tang, flame-finned tang, foxface, puffer,4 clowns, mandarin,coral beauty,blue cleaner wrasse.
Last edited by foxfishfan; 02-08-2011 at 02:56 AM.
Reason: some items sold, new items added.