Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
I've done one before. It works fine as long as you have a relatively low output pump & maybe have a second emergency drain drilled into the sump in case of clogging.
I used a 20g sump, refugium over a 65g DT. Maxijet to get water up & gravity feed back down into the DT. Works great for releasing LIVE mysis & pods from the refugium section back into the DT.
Ran it this way for over a year, no problems.
that's exactly what I was thinking of doing...
I have an undrilled 54 corner tank with very little space for a sump below.
I've got a lot of space on the furnace right beside the tank, and I figured it'd be easier to do a reverse setup than mess with hang on overflow boxes and what not.
so it'd be a bad idea with a high output pump?