I have one Olympus Stylus and another Olympus W560 (on sale at $89.99 at SIG - http://www.sigelectronics.com/SIG/Ol...4Pa38Ta38Oa3n0) .
The Stylus takes much nicer pictures and with macro shots functions on some. The $89.99 is exactly what it is, a cheaper POS camera with underwater function, useful but the quality definitely degrades alot comparing to the Stylus (but it's cheap at $89.99).
I think comparing to my Canon normal A720 POS, the Canon is by far much much better auto-focus and takes nicer pictures (even the Canon is like 2 years older I think). This one is not water proof or anything, just speaking about picture quality.
Clownfish Collection: Normal Ocellaris, Black Ocellaris, Stubby Ocellaris, Tequillia Sunrise Ocellaris,
Red Sea, Black Saddleback, Brown Camel, Orange Fin, Melanistic Clarkii, Common Clarkii, True Percula, True Picassco, Pink Skunk, Orange Skunk, Maldives Clown, TRUE Sebae clown, Akin Clown, Gold Striped Maroon, White Striped Maroon, Latezonatus