WOW! Thanks everyone !! :-)
Originally Posted by Carmen
Thanks Carmen, you are my new best bosom buddy!
Originally Posted by simplycoral
Awesome Tank Kien; Corals look Great & i love the aquascaping .
Got me thinking that i should dump this Zeovit and try those bio pellets :
Bio Pellets are the hizzle 'fo shizzle!
Originally Posted by christyf5
Congrats Kien, great writeup and photos. You have a truly stunning tank.
Ok I have to ask, is that a red sink scrubby in the photo with the sump filter sock?
Thanks Christy! Yes, that is red sink scrubby. There are actually three in there, a yellow, blue and red one. Long story short, it was migrated over from my last 90g tank to help seed the new tank (bacteria) and hasn't left yet. I've been meaning to take it out but it isn't really doing anything harmful. No detritus buildup, etc. In fact, they now serve as a hive for copepods and such :-)