fish missing a chunk...
Bah I just cannot win with my darn tank. Woke up this morning to a firefish with a nice chunk of skin hanging off it.
It was paired with the pistol shrimp, but i added a pink spotted goby last night...and woke up this morning.. the goby was paired with the pistol and the firefish was evicted and swimming around the tank (normally i might add)
The fish turned and that's when i noticed a nice gash and the hanging skin. the flap is about small pea size.
I went and took the goby out of the main tank and have it in a floating thing.. as soon as I did that the fire fish went right back to the shrimp... now will that fish live??? or should i take it out now?
I only have a Blackberry so i tried to get some pics.. but they don't work well...i will put them up as soon as i can!