I have the following equipment available as i no longer use them. Please PM for further info; or to arrange a viewing.
I have a 40g Breeder Tank (Aqueon) Black Trim; Drilled for two 1-1/2 Bulkheads on back. (One on the LH side & one on the RH side. around 2-3 inches from the top.) Used as a sump for a short time. No Baffles. Would make an ideal sump again. In Excellent Condition. -
$40.00 firm
I also have a 30g Breeder Tank (Aqueon) Black Trim; Undrilled. Used as a frag tank for a short time. Excellent Condition -
$60.00 firm
Plus; Almost New, 36" T5 H/O Light Fixture. Including 4 x 39w Bulbs & 3 x Lunar LED (2xDaylight, 1x Blue Actinic & 1 x Fiji Purple) In excellent condition. Comes complete with Mounting brackets.
$130 firm PENDING