Over the next few weeks I will be upgrading from my standard 120 gal to a 5ft 120 gal tank which I purchased of a fellow canreefer. I really like my 120 but find myself restricted with what I can do and what fish I can keep. I plan on moving all my equipment over to the new tank and also adding a few goodies

I am currently finishing the stand at my warehouse and planning on bringing it home on the weekend to do some final touches and plumbing by the end of next week. I have been cooking my current live rock for about 2 weeks now to get rid of some cyano issues I was dealing with and over the last few weeks I have also been cherry picking some nice peices of dry rock that is being also cooked. The new tank will have only 2 veiwable panels because it is side drilled. this will actually work very well for me as I can place the tank closer to the wall(space matters in our townhouse lol) I will post a pic of my current tank and a few of the new one. Reccomendations are welcome
The 120 gal
The new 120 gal