Going to be doing a re-vamp of my tank. Planning on getting rid of 20-30lbs of live rock (nicely covered in coraline, misc pieces of various corals and lots of critters like bristle stars and bristle worms). Going to be selling the rock at $5/lbs. Damsel is free to a good home. He's slightly aggresive so larger (50+ gallon) tank would be best for him.
Only catch is the rock and the damsel will not be ready to go until Saturday next week (Feb. 20th). I also don't know which pieces I'm keeping but I know for sure I will be getting rid of a bunch. I just want to line up people who are interested so I don't have a bunch of downtime between removing the rock and the fish. I also plan on catching the damsel while I have the rock out so the damsel MUST go Saturday!
Please send me PMs and I will keep track of who's interested and will contact you guys toward the end of the week. Thanks for looking! Located in Calgary! Locals only!
Damsel Spoken for...