What's with regal tangs and Blue ring angels?
For some reason my regal tang is not impressed with my blue ring angel.
My king was picking on my blue ring in the summer so we re-homed him to Steve's Dad's 80g tank. Of course now he has outgrown the 80g so I took him back and added him to the reef tank. But for some reason my regal tang was picking on him. It seemed to settle down after the lights went out so I hope it gets better, but why the regal hates the blue ring...I just don't get it.
I had a different regal tang and a blue ring angel together before and it was the same thing, the regal hated and picked on the blue ring. Anyone know why?
Anyone else notice other types of fish that you'd think would get along but don't.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!!  - Laurie
Last edited by fishoholic; 02-01-2010 at 08:26 PM.