Painting a room with an aquarium..
Is it safe to do so? My tank is in our living room and we cannot stand the current color that it is. I would like to paint the room and so was wondering if it is safe to do so. Moving the aquarium is kind of out of the question as its 120G and dont want to be bothered to do so until we change the floor sometime next summer.
"120 Gallon - Fastest Build in the West"
20Gal Sump, 2x 250 PFO Metal Hallides running 2 20k XM Bulbs, 2X54 HOT5 1 KZ Coral Light 1 Fiji Purple, Euroreef RS 100 Skimmer, Quiet One 6000 Return Pump, 2X Tunze 6025, Nano Wavebox ~To Live Is To Reef~