Need advice about corals
Hi to all that take the time to read this. I am new to CanReef and to saltwater but have had fresh water tanks for ever.
I have a 65 gal hex community tank & a 65 gal aggressive tank both with Rena XP2 filter, SeaClone 100 protein skimmer, UV sterilizer & moderate lighting. Both have live sand and rock. Both tanks have been up for 6 months and doing well.
I have several corals in the community tank but would like to add some to the aggressive tank. Livestock in tank at this point is a loin fish, yellow tang, valintini puffer, fox face lo, snowflake eel & a green star sea serpent. I have a few small snail's and 3 large hermit crab's as well. Going to add a picasso trigger, scribbled rabbitfish, niger trigger & a fire clown in the next few week's.
Can someone advise me of what coral's, if any, that I can put in my aggressive tank.
Last edited by The Grizz; 10-25-2009 at 02:40 AM.
Reason: need to stand out more